Major Arcana
Temperance is the card that represents moderation and balance in the Major Arcana of the tarot. Temperance also represents patience, staying calm, and finding the middle road in order to prevent extremes. It is the card that represents harmony as well as connecting with your guides when you need some spiritual help.
The Temperance card of the Major Arcana of the tarot represents moderation and balance in life. Temperance also represents patience and finding ways to be patient, staying calm, and finding the middle road for the prevention of extremes. It is the card that represents harmony as well as connecting with your guides when you need some spiritual help as everyone does whenever they encounter a tough situation. Therefore, if you are anxious about something important happening quickly that cannot be rushed, this card delivers important messages in this type of situation. In order to remain patient and calm at the same time, which is a challenge when you are really looking forward to something is to call upon your guides for spiritual help. That will help you find it within to be patient with the situation you are in. An example of this scenario would be someone who is extremely anxious to leave their job that is unsatisfying. However, they know they cannot quit without finding another job. Therefore, they must stay calm and patient as they keep looking for a job. And they know they don't have a choice in this matter since they need income to pay for their necessities. The Temperance comes in to remind them that this cannot be rushed and it will happen at the right time. In the meantime find it within to be calm.

# Moderation
# Patience
# The middle ground between extremes
# Calling upon guides for spiritual help
# Balance in life
# Calmness
Reversed Meaning
When Temperance comes up in reverse, it is indicative of a lack of patience, there is disharmony, and a lack of balance in life. It can also represent the onset of illness.
Reversed Keywords
# Lack of patience
# Disharmony
# Lack of balance in life
# Onset of illness
Day Card
There is truth to the term ‘good things come to those who wait'. That does not mean to sit there and stop going after you want. But allow it to come to you at the right time while you remain calm and patient as you wait for it.