tarot pro
tarot pro

Major Arcana

The Star

The Star is the card in the Major Arcana of the tarot that represents hope, spirituality, inspiration, renewal of faith, new opportunities, and being blessed. It is indicative of good health. It can also represent astronomy as the card is the Star.


The Star is the card in the Major Arcana of the tarot that represents inspiration, a renewal of faith and hope, brand new opportunities, spirituality, and being blessed. Good health is another thing it represents. It can also represent astronomy as the card is the Star. However, more often than not, it represents having a good reason to be hopeful. There is a reason that the Star card came after the Tower. The Tower represents sudden destruction that left you feeling hopeless and confused. The Star is there to basically tell you that everything will be okay. There is a reason to be hopeful and to have faith. You have a reason to hang onto optimism. Things will get better. Here is an example of how the Star plays a role. You have lost your job and you are struggling to find a new job. You are being given severance pay so you have money to live on for the time being. However, you are fearful that you will struggle to find another job. You are afraid you aren't marketable. But when the Star comes up, it gives you a reason to be hopeful that another, and a better job is right around the corner for you.

The Star image


  • # Hope

  • # Inspiration

  • # Renewal of faith

  • # Spirituality

  • # Optimism

  • # Blessing from the universe

  • # Astronomy

  • # Good health

Reversed Meaning

When the Star in reverse, it is indicative of missed opportunities, it can represent delays in anything you are looking forward to, as well as despair, and disappointments. It can also be indicative of illness.

Reversed Keywords

  • # Despair

  • # Illness

  • # Missed opportunities

  • # Delays

  • # Disappointments

Day Card

Never give up. There is always a reason to be hopeful that something will work out. Even if it is not the very thing that you had pictured.